Illegal Magic may lead to cancer - Illegal wizards Devlog 1

I was looking through one day and I saw that the One-Page Jam was coming up so instead of waiting for a week until the theme to be released and the jam to start I immediately brainstormed and prototyped my game.

Illegal Wizards is a ttrpg where you play as the aforementioned illegal wizards who are mages who refuse to listen to the rules set by the magical institutions and practice their own form of magic. You choose your field of magic to use like for example beard magic or spaghetti sorcery to practice and divide up your stat points between the three schools of magic conjuration, evocation, and transmutation. PCs use the number listed for the school as a pool of d6s to make their spell checks with 4+ succeeding and 6's exploding (meaning that you add another d6 to the dice pool). 

Now to the interesting part, when PCs roll 1's on their spell checks the CHOAS meter increases. The CHOAS meter is a value set by the GM at the start of the session by (currently) rolling 3d6 and dropping the lowest. When the meter is full the GM rolls on the CHOAS table and tells the players what effect happens. Some of the effects are tame like turning everyone into frogs while others can be extreme like giving the caster cancer. Illegal wizards is meant to be a one-shot goofy party game and I can't think of anything funnier than one of my players trying to fireball a goblin and then it failing and then his doctor comes out of nowhere to tell him he has cancer.

Well that's kinda all I had to say. I'm gonna keep updating the game and playtesting with my own group but it would help me a ton if people could read over the rules and give me their opinions. Also, I'm making an adventure for the game to play with my players and my hook is that their friend ________ the wizard took wizard LSD which is just like actual LSD but all the things you hallucinate become real.


Illegal Wizards V0.0 84 kB
59 days ago

Get Illegal Wizards {In-Development}

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